The Team

Birds-eye view of the various groups that have impacted the program


We all love acronyms but what does VFMP actually mean? VFMP stands for the Vancouver-Fraser Medical Program. The UBC MD program is comprised of four geographically distinct sites including the Island Medical Program (IMP), Northern Medical Program (NMP), Vancouver-Fraser Medical Program (VFMP), and the Southern Medical Program (SMP). There are 288 spots for incoming students; 192 to the VFMP.

UBC Vancouver Campus

VFMP Faculty Development Team

The Vancouver Fraser Medical Program (VFMP) Faculty Development team is a small team of faculty and staff who, in addition to primary professional responsibilities, support the development of teaching and assessment competencies and practices among faculty and instructors involved with the MD Undergraduate Program at the Vancouver Fraser Site.

Faculty Team Members

Dr. Angela Shen and Dr. Olivia Tseng, both family physicians with leadership positions in the medical community, joins Dr. Meera Anand in the VFMP Faculty Development team to facilitate this program. Additionally, Dr. Johnny Chang is the Family Medicine Lead supporting the faculty development needs of family physicians across the province. Their addition to the team has made tremendous contributions.

Program Developers

Dr. Meera Anand and Dr. Heather Buckley are family physicians with leadership positions at UBC. They have invested their heart and soul into spearheading this program, and benefited immensely from the thoughtful, funny, and smart guidance of an advisory group of UBC medical school faculty, administrators and students, as well as an amazingly cool core project team.

Program Acknowledgement

We would like to thank the funders of our Strategic Investment Fund, SIF Advisory Committee, content experts, students, and the parents of all of these individuals! Special thanks to our core project team members, Justin Student, Karah Koleszar, Catherine Choa and Shur Lim, for their invaluable help in project management and instructional design.